Detox Your Home: Kitchen
Clean out your kitchen
Is it time your Kitchen needs to be cleaned and detoxed? Do you still have cleaning products in the back of your cupboard that you're ashamed of, or maybe you're just not sure if they are safe or not?
Let's Detox Your Kitchen
1. Get a laundry basket. Put everything you find that doesn't belong in the kitchen in the laundry basket. This helps stop Cleaning A.D.D. You know, when you go to put something away in another room and suddenly start cleaning something in that room? Then a few hours later you realize you started with the kitchen and suddenly ended up cleaning the toy box out in the play room? Yeah, guilty! The laundry basket is how I get myself to not do that.
2. Clear everything off of your counters.
3. Start at the top of your Kitchen and work down. Take everything off the top of your cupboards or shelves and refrigerator and wash/clean them off. Vacuum up there. Use MamaSuds® All Purpose Cleaner to clean the grease/grime/dust.
4. Spray your cupboards and handles/knobs and wipe them down. Use a cotton swab to get in any nooks and crannies.
5. Take everything out of your refrigerator and wash it out. A bucket of hot water with about a half an ounce of MamaSuds® Castile Soap would work great, or continue using the spray. Put refrigerator contents back.
6. Take items out of cupboards one section at a time. Anything that your don't use or isn't yours put in the laundry basket. Wipe out cupboard and put contents back. Do the same with the drawers too.
7. Oven. This can be done at night if your oven it particularly filthy. It may need a good wiping down or a scrub. Vacuum or sweep out anything sitting at the bottom. Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom so it creates a thin layer. Spray it with white distilled vinegar and shut the down. Leave it over night then scrub the oven floor and walls. Wipe out.
8. Spray kitchen surfaces and back splash and appliances. Wipe down.
9. Dispose of any other cleaning products you no longer use. You really can get away with just a few cleaning products!
10. Take your laundry basket and put items away.
Now have a cup of something tasty and enjoy your clean kitchen!
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