The CleanSuds Blog
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Spring Cleaning in under 10 Steps
According to the calendar, Spring is just around the corner! I don't know what the weather is like in your neighborhood, but I just watched the news and here in Michigan, we are supposed to have record breaking cold temperatures this week. Ugh. Enough all ready! Do you hear me Mother Nature???!!!??
Any day now, warming temps will be blowing threw and I will gladly open my windows for that elusive and long forgotten smell... Spring! Until then, we can still get ready for Spring by cleaning. But the good news is, if you use MamaSuds products and a few pantry staples you won't HAVE to open the windows while you clean!
Not sure where to start? Use this to-do list, which has all those places you've probably forgotten about (anyone?) and how to tackle them like a pro AND do it in JUST ONE DAY (whhaaaaat?!?).
- Clean light fixtures and fans. Put sheets down over furniture so it's quick to clean up the mess. Use a dusting tool or a rag on a broom and knock down all the lovely dust that's been building up over the last few months. Sidenote: Anyone else leave the fan on when company comes over so they don't see the dust on the fan? Anyone?
- Wipe down the walls, cupboards, appliances (in the kitchen). Using a mixture of hot water and castile soap will do the trick, and so will the ever-amazing All-Purpose Cleaner. Have the new Concentrate bottle? Fill up a bucket with hot water and pour about a tablespoon of that awesomeness and you have perfect "everything" cleaner.
- Clean the windows and mirrors with a mixture of water and Vinegar (1:1 ratio) or All-Purpose Cleaner. Don't forget the outside of the windows too! I always find cleaning the windows really helps make the room feel super clean.
- Vacuum and wipe down the furniture (a damp rag or All-Purpose Cleaner is perfect for this job). Don't forget the legs and feet of your furniture.
- Wipe down the baseboards and trim. I tend to clean the baseboards when I see they are dirty, but I tend to forget the tops of the doors during the day-to-day cleaning. Sometimes vacuuming the door trim before wiping them down helps! Don't forget all the frames and clocks on your walls as well.
- Wash any rugs or drapes that can be washed in the washing machine (read your tags!).
- Vacuum your mattress! Tear off your sheets and wash them, and before you put on fresh sheets, vacuum your mattress. Let's pretend nothing is gross about our mattresses but vacuum it anyway.
- Sweep/Vacuum the floors. This might be a great time to clean your carpets too!
- Mop the floors. Use a steam mop or just a bucket and a rag. Focus on the edges and corners.
Whew! You're done! Now start binge watching Marie Kondo on Netflix and clean out those drawers for extra credit!