The CleanSuds Blog
Where education and truthful facts are easy to come by.

What My Dad Taught Me
Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!
Especially to my husband and daughters' Dad:
and to my Dad (Deedo).
My dad taught me how to water ski, tube (not just tube, but hang on for dear life), took me to my first Detroit Red Wings Game (how many do you think we have been to Dad?), made me a regular at The Detroiter Bar, taught me how to drive on 2-tracks Up North, taught me how to get lost in the woods (and how to not get stuck in a swamp while driving through it), and how to be nice to my mom after we had a huge fight. 😁
If I had reservations about doing anything (which I usually did), he would say "You're with me, it will be fun", and that was enough. One of my favorite stories to tell about being adventurous was when we took a trip to visit friends in Tennessee. We spent one of those days at OpryLand and my dad wanted to take me on a roller coaster. My mom did not want him to take me on it. In her defense, it was a roller coaster that looked like it was in a half tube and it was LOUD. But my dad checked my height and got in line that was long enough to meander out of the cattle chains. My mom stood there yelling (I was 7 so it sounded like yelling) at my dad about how she didn't want me to go. After she gave up and stormed off I said to my dad, "Maybe I shouldn't go on it?" He said, "Nah, you are with me, you'll love it. Your mom will be fine when we get off." He was right about both.
He also talked me into doing the Rip Cord at Cedar Point when I was in high school, twice. Because we HAD to do it at night and during the day. All dad's teach their kids things, but my Dad taught me my sense of adventure. His motto is:
What are they gonna do, kick us out?
This motto is applicable to many (if not most) of my memories with my Dad. I should write a book about them. I love you Buckaroo, Happy Father's Day!
What did your dad teach you?