The CleanSuds Blog
Where education and truthful facts are easy to come by.

'No Poo' in 6 steps
• Tried the "no-poo" method of not washing her hair for over 5 years
• Initially used all natural/organic shampoos but could not afford the price
• Later tried castile soap, adjusting water to soap ratio but was hard to pre-make and measure
• Over 18 months ago, cousin Crystal sent her an article about using baking soda and apple cider vinegar
• Has been using it since then and has seen great results, such as super shiny hair that grows fast and only needs to be washed once every 5 days
• Baking soda solution is 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces of water and ACV is 8 ounces ACV with 8 ounces of hot water; Hair is rinsed first with BS then with ACV
• Costs 6-8 cents a wash; Comparable to $.12 a wash for Suave shampoo
• Initially used all natural/organic shampoos but could not afford the price
• Later tried castile soap, adjusting water to soap ratio but was hard to pre-make and measure
• Over 18 months ago, cousin Crystal sent her an article about using baking soda and apple cider vinegar
• Has been using it since then and has seen great results, such as super shiny hair that grows fast and only needs to be washed once every 5 days
• Baking soda solution is 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces of water and ACV is 8 ounces ACV with 8 ounces of hot water; Hair is rinsed first with BS then with ACV
• Costs 6-8 cents a wash; Comparable to $.12 a wash for Suave shampoo